Friday, May 24, 2013

U.S Intervention in Haiti

Charlie Spinale
F period
U.S Intervention in Haiti
Question: What do many Americans in Haiti think of Haitians, and how do they (Americans) treat them (Haitians)?
                The United States has a false conception on the Haitian people, Americans view the Haitians as “Barbaric”, “incapable of advancement”, and “unfit to govern themselves”. Most Americans consider the Haitian people as ignorant, when they themselves are ignorant to the truth of them.
                The city of Port-au-Prince is one of the most beautiful and tropical city known in Haiti. Americans are surprised to see such an incredible city in Haiti and they believe the only way the city is this way is due to the “American Occupation”.  This theory is wrong; this well-kept city was completely created by the intelligent hands of the Haitians who spent years creating a sweeping habit to keep the city so clean. In the rural districts women are noticed carefully sweeping their yards until they were clean as a floor. Although the Haitians are dressed in rags, this is all they can afford, and their clothing is washed frequently. Haitians quality of clothing may be a reason Americans views them as dirty people even though the clothing is always cleaned and a dirty Haitian is very rare. Haiti may be not considered a clean country, but statistics can change American conceptions. Haiti imports more soap per capita than any country in the world. Three of the largest soap manufacturers in the U.S have headquarters at Port-au-Prince. Americans also have a theory that Haitians are lazy, this theory is completely false.  Travelers are struck with disbelief when they see thousands of Haitians with the produce of their farms and gardens on their heads. Another false aspect Haitians are accused of being is ignorant and degrading. The Haitians were studied and they are kind, courteous and hospitable people who live a simple life. Their simple lives lead to a life almost completely free of crime and horrible things like prostitution.
                The Haitians are truly kind people who live a simple life. Americans treated them horribly and butchered thousands. During the “American Occupation” in Haiti Americans did nearly nothing to benefit Haiti's people. Only three things were found to benefit the Haitian people in the time of the “American Occupation”. There were improvements to the public hospital at Port-au-Prince, enforcement rules on sanitation, and lastly the building of the great road to Cape Haitian. The building of this road was completed due to horrific forced labor. Haitian men were taken from country roads and off their farms and forced to work. They were kept in locked compounds where they were held under their will and brutally beaten. Many Haitians escaped to the hills and planned to rebel. The United States made no effort to improve education they didn't even make the effort to send American teachers to help in impoverished school areas. The “American Occupation” was a complete udder failure. Nothing that the United States did in Haiti justifies it's military occupation there.
                The United States clearly does not understand the Haiti people for the courteous simple people that they are.  We have carried American prejudice to Haiti. The American military occupation in Haiti was a failure. There are only a few examples were America was benefiting the people of Haiti and within those examples we have taken advantage of the them and butchered thousands, the “American Occupation” in Haiti was degrading towards our country and how people view us. 

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