Thursday, November 8, 2012

Class Update: 11/7/12 and 11/8/12

Yesterday in class (11/7/12) we took notes on Slavery. Eli Whitney’s cotton gin majorly effected what happened in the south in the years of 1800 to 1860. The Industrial Revolution that happened in the north and in England resulted in a large desire for cotton, this also resulted in many southern landowners focuses their crops on cotton to meet the large demand. The production of cotton made slavery profitable on almost every farm. Slaves were considered property of their masters. As the demand for slaves increased slave traders increased the price for slaves. “Gang” labor forced slaves to work on the same job nonstop. “Task” labor let slaves’ complete specific jobs, and when they finished they were allowed to do what they wanted. This meant that they could go out and receive payments for other jobs.

Today in class (11/8/12) we took notes on the Underground Railroad. Slavery continued to become a larger issue as 1830s and 1840s approached. Abolitionists were people who wanted to end slavery; most people wanted a slow freeing of the slaves. One of these people was William Lloyd Garrison who created the antislavery society. One of the greatest speakers of the group was Fredrick Douglas a former slave who was educated by his master’s wife. Fredrick Douglas created his own newspaper the “North Star.” Abolitionists debated over how to end slavery, this led to most slaves running away. Most slaves escaped by the “Underground Railroad” which was neither underground or on tracks. After the notes we read ten textbook versions that described the Underground Railroad and answered questions on them.

My 30 day challenge is working out well; I have been jogging every night.

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