Yesterday (5/14/13) we had MCAS again so we just worked on
are Smithsonian Quests. Today in class (5/15/13) we talked about Yellow Journalism.
Yellow Journalism is types of journalism were news is poorly researched and
most of the time completely exaggerated. It’s presented to the public with a
catchy headline so more people will buy/read the newspaper. We created Yellow Journalism
Headlines in class today for the 1890's, Alaska, Hawaii, Cuba Libre, Weyler and
reconcentracion, yellow journalism, war fever, the Maine, and Cautious
McKinley. My headline for Alaska was “7.2 MILLION FOR MILES OF ICE.” When
Alaska was purchased from Russian in 1867, Secretary of State William Seward
purchased it for 7.2 million dollars. Although the land was a great investment
due to the mineral wealth and animal resources, Seward was criticized because back
then most people thought Alaska was just miles of ice and nothing else. When he
bought Alaska Americans called it “Seward’s Folly” and “Seward’s Icebox.”
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