Thursday, May 9, 2013

Class Updates: 5/8/13 and 5/9/13

Yesterday in class (5/8/13) we got in partners and read primary source documents about chief Red Cloud. Red Cloud was a warrior, statesmen and the chief of the largest tribe of the Teton Sioux Nation called the Lakota tribe. He fought a successful war against the United States. This was when he defeated Lieutenant Colonel William Fetterman’s outside of Fort Phil Kearny, Wyoming. He was successful because in 1868 the United States agreed to the Fort Laramie Treaty which made the U.S abandon forts and give back a lot of land. The Lakota tribe was defeated in the Lakota War of 1876-1877.    

Today in class (5/9/13) we got with the same partners and read primary sources about Sitting Bull. Sitting Bull was a Hunkpapa Lakota chief, holy man and warrior. Sitting Bull’s warriors killed Custer and all his men at the Battle of Little Big Horn in 1876. After his surrender, Sitting Bull led his people to Canada. He also requested that his children and people be accepted in the United States. His tribe was one of the last to surrender. 

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